Madlener House
4 West Burton Place
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Telephone: 312.787.4071
Sand mining, Mizoram, India, 2018. Photo: Karen Conniff. . Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC2.0),
One of the most enduring images—and perceived threats—of climate change is rising sea levels and a corresponding impact on coastal lands. Entangled: Shorelines, a five-episode narrative podcast series, challenges this one-dimensional understanding. In collaboration with scholars and researchers from the arts, humanities, and social sciences, the series will present stories about how shorelines are continuously made and remade through political, social, and economic processes, which in turn influence and are influenced by the environment. Applying a multi-scalar analytic rooted in post/decolonial and post-development studies, the project emphasizes how planetary-scale thinking about our current ecological and social crises is insufficient without a critical awareness of links between colonialism and structural injustices that unevenly impact the Global South. How, for instance, does the importation of sand and land reclamation projects reframe the role of designers as producers of territories and not just objects or buildings? How do ports and maritime infrastructure in the Arabian Peninsula resulting from the expansion of international trade create new legal and land categories? How do droughts and desertification in Africa contribute to migration across one of the most trafficked—and increasingly militarized—borders in the world, the Mediterranean Sea?
David Huber is a critic, editor, builder, and the founder of Thinkbelt, an educational media platform that helps make sense of the worlds we inhabit and challenge the assumptions that shape them. For Thinkbelt he produces the weekly podcast Interstitial, a show about space and the consequences of our designs. His writing on architecture, design, and art has appeared in Artforum, Metropolis, Harvard Design Magazine, Pacific Standard, PIN-UP, and Garage, among other publications. Previously he worked as the editor of digital publications at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal and the managing editor of Log. He studied architecture at The Cooper Union and comparative literature at The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
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